Many Kenyan children enjoy the freedom and Education opportunity, But many maasai children continue to face the wrath of poverty and oppressing culture and tradition. Maasai children will hardly benefit from the government education because they enroll late and are always absent and have poor learning skills.I can see a situation where maasai women are not having flexible time to breast feed due to economical challenges thus the results is a future generation that is not productive.
When we get sponsors since most of the children have left school and are in the Bush looking after animals, we shall have a team of counsellors who will be moving from village to village to provide counselling to the parents and hence promote the need of education and bring their children to school.
We are optimistic and determined that the sponsorship will be a good start to development since education assist in development.The community will understand the values of education the importance of change from their mood of life.
Most of the people affected by poverty are the children, poverty denies children the rights to be children.Impoverished, malnourished mothers often give birth to under-weight babies, these babies are more likely to die and if they do survive they are less likely to grow and develop to their full potential, consequently affected children are more likely to drop out of school early and work at occupation below the poverty line if they manage to find work at all.
When these poverty deepens in early childhood it proves to be a handicap for life and always affect the future learning of that child and often cannot be Repaired later in life??.These children then run the risk of becoming the next generation of poor.
We need sponsors to sponsor a maasai child in order to supply them with learning materials in order to give them quality education and access to all maasai children.
Education remain the fulcrum of development in any country.By sponsoring a maasai child to be in school you will be providing that child an environment that is free of discrimination, gender disparities and enble that child to live with diginity and understand the knowledge of their rights and what steps they will take if their rights are violated.keep in mind Early childhood is the most rapid and critical period of children's development.We are certain that the impact of these project/ministry shall be seen through educated children who shall demonstrate the need of education through increased performance in their level of education.We will have pupils joining secondary and colleges who shall then be resources of development in the community and resourceful to the country.we require sponsorship to enable the maasai community see the grate need of education.we will not rest untill every maasai child is in school.
The ministry will promote maasai children to come together learn the word of God, interact and exchange ideas , form worship choir and they will be trained on quality letter writting for effective communication to their sponsors.The maasai children will benefit from this ministry if we get sponsors. School fees and all school sippliers like Uniforms,medical check ups,food at school and others is only $30 a month per child.
We have not allocated any funds to social workers or children care takers or other administrative cost or Emergencies, we will have Maasai volunteers until 1year is over when the project gets strong relationship with the donors.The social workers will also be providing Adult literacy class to the parents soon the project becames financially stable.